Hello, and welcome back to the Eco Robotics bi-weekly newsletter; your inside look into team 8016’s problem-solving skills and student-led teamwork. In the past week, confidence among teammates has grown as the assembly of their latest robot - which will compete in the Capital City Classic offseason event in October - continues to progress with minimal setbacks. Everyone's hard work is paying off as different components of the robot come together to create a functioning final product.
This isn’t the only aspect of the team that is looking up though. Throughout the construction process, new members have continued to learn the ways of the shop through hands-on projects that are led by the more experienced members of the team.
As of late, Eco Robotics team members have been primarily focused on getting everyone proficient at using the CNC (computer numerical control) machine as well as the milling machine - which has the function of precisely cutting or drilling through material on x, y, and z axes). Most recently, the team has constructed a wooden bellypan as a prototype for the robot. They also finished assembling gear covers that were graciously 3D printed by one of the team's mentors.
At the same time that work on the robot itself has been taking place, the rest of the team has been diligently working as well. The bumpers of the robot are being constructed by team members wrapping fabric around pool noodles that are supported by wooden beams. There is also the drive team who are continuing to practice with last season's robot, Clawdia. At the moment, anyone who is interested in driving is encouraged to do so, but soon, the drivers will be narrowed down to those who will be controlling the robot during competition, so that they get as much practice as possible before they compete.
On the outreach side of things, the Operations team has scheduled a team beach clean up on September 30th and South Salmon Creek Beach. Being Eco Robotics, the team wanted to do its part for the environment by being conscious about their environmental impact and by giving back to the community by helping to clean up and preserve nature.
With that, I hope that the latest news of team 8016 has been preserved in your mind and that you have learned something new about what FIRST® (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics teams go through in order to create a functioning robot by game day.
If you are interested in donating or reaching out to the team, feel free to reach out to Eco Robotics at credorobotics@credohigh.org or by filling out the form on our website.
See you back in two weeks for another update on the team and what is yet to come.
