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Design And Fabrication


Hello there and welcome back to Eco Robotic’s bi-weekly newsletter, your place to get caught up on everything FIRST® (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics. After two weeks since this year's robotics challenge was released (which I covered in my last article), Team 8016 has made lots of progress on the design of their robot, but they still have a ways to go. So far, they have succeeded in deciding on using a shooter to score their points as well as beginning their construction of the game elements. 

Game elements are the structures that the robot interacts with on the field and will be vital for the robot's drivers to practice with for the competition ahead. For example, it will allow drivers to know how far away they need to be from pieces like the speaker before scoring. Speaking of the speaker, that is the game element that Eco Robotics has built first. The speaker is one of the openings that robots can score their notes (which are the foam rings which are used in the game) into and will be the opening that the team is prioritizing to score in. With the help of an instruction manual given to them by FIRST, a subsection of the team has constructed the speaker out of wood. Now that it is completed, they will move on to constructing a structure to hold the metal chains that the robot will hang from at the end of the match (constructing this piece will be more difficult to build as it will need to support the robot’s weight). Lastly, if there’s time remaining, another scoring opening, the amp, will be constructed as well. This structure will be built last though, as it has not been determined if the robot will have the capability to score into it or not.

On the design side of the robot, it has been decided that the robot will be using a shooter to score the notes as well as to intake them from the ground. A few pieces for the shooter have already been cut out of wood on the CNC (computer numerical control) for testing. The next steps in the robot's design are to finish the prototype for the intake/shooter and then see how it will be connected to the robot's drive-train.

Meanwhile, the Operations side of the team has been just as busy. As of late, they have released an entry for both the Safety Animation Award and the Digital Animation Award (which turned out incredibly!). This part of the team has also been continuing to plan and raise money for the team's competition which they will attend in San Francisco this March.

On a final note, we are officially announcing our youth robotics summer camp! Running from June 10-14, we are looking forward to teaching students in grades 6-8 all we can about our world of robotics. Registration will open in February and more information can be found on our website!

That looks like all I have for you today. If you are interested in reaching out or have any other questions or concerns for the team, feel free to contact Eco Robotics at or by filling out the form on our website.

See you all in two weeks for another thrilling update on the 2024 robotics season.

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